Event: Students of Blanche Levy 1963-1964
Carnegie Recital Hall Saturday, May 23, 1964 at 5:30PM
Presenter: Blanche Levy
Event: Commencement Exercises of the New York School of Expression 1904-1905 5 assets
Carnegie Lyceum Tuesday, May 16, 1905 at 8:00PM
Presenter: New York School of Expression
Event: Choral Concert by H. R. Humphries 1899-1900 9 assets
Main Hall Wednesday, May 23, 1900 at 8:00PM
Presenter: H. R. Humphries (–1925)
Orchestra: New York Banks' Glee Club
Conductor: H. R. Humphries (–1925)
Event: New York Banks' Glee Club 1899-1900 9 assets
Main Hall Tuesday, December 12, 1899 at 8:00PM
Presenter: New York Banks' Glee Club