Event: New York Banks' Glee Club 1909-1910 13 assets
Main Hall Thursday, April 7, 1910 at 8:00PM
Presenter: New York Banks' Glee Club
Orchestra: New York Banks' Glee Club
Conductor: H. R. Humphries (–1925)
Event: New York Symphony Orchestra 1909-1910 13 assets
Main Hall Tuesday, January 25, 1910 at 8:15PM
Presenter: Symphony Society of New York
Orchestra: New York Symphony Orchestra
Conductor: Walter Damrosch (1862–1950)
Event: David Bispham, Baritone 1909-1910 15 assets
Main Hall Sunday, October 10, 1909 at 3:00PM
Presenter: Loudon Charlton (1869–1931)
Event: Testimonial Concert to Julian Walker 1908-1909 13 assets
Main Hall Thursday, April 22, 1909 at 8:00PM
Presenter: Unknown presenter
Event: Musical Art Society of New York 1908-1909 13 assets
Main Hall Thursday, March 11, 1909 at 8:00PM
Presenter: Musical Art Society of New York
Orchestra: Musical Art Society of New York
Conductor: Frank Damrosch (1859–1937)
Event: New York Symphony Orchestra: Beethoven Cycle 1908-1909 13 assets
Main Hall Thursday, February 11, 1909 at 3:30PM
Event: People's Choral Union with the Music School Settlement Orchestra 1908-1909 13 assets
Main Hall Sunday, January 3, 1909 at 8:15PM
Presenter: Other Presenter
Orchestra: People's Choral Union
Event: Knights of Columbus Discovery Day Celebration 1908-1909 13 assets
Main Hall Sunday, October 11, 1908 at 8:00PM
Presenter: Knights of Columbus
Orchestra: Mission of the Immaculate Virgin Band
Event: David Bispham, Baritone 1908-1909 13 assets
Main Hall Sunday, October 4, 1908 at 3:00PM
Event: MacDowell Memorial Concert 1907-1908 13 assets
Main Hall Tuesday, March 31, 1908 at 8:15PM
Orchestra: New York Philharmonic
Conductor: Vasily Il'ich Safonov (1852–1918)
Event: New York Symphony Orchestra: Beethoven Cycle 1907-1908 13 assets
Main Hall Sunday, March 8, 1908 at 3:00PM
Main Hall Saturday, March 7, 1908 at 8:15PM
Event: New York Banks' Glee Club 1907-1908 13 assets
Main Hall Thursday, February 27, 1908 at 8:00PM
Event: David Bispham, Baritone 1907-1908 15 assets
Main Hall Sunday, October 13, 1907 at 3:00PM
Event: Rhondda Valley Male Concert Party 1907-1908 13 assets
Main Hall Monday, October 7, 1907 at 8:00PM
Orchestra: Rhondda Valley Male Concert Party
Conductor: John Broad
Event: Francis MacMillen, Violin 1907-1908 13 assets
Main Hall Sunday, October 6, 1907 at 8:00PM
Presenter: Haensel and Jones
Event: National Arbitration and Peace Congress: Choral Service 1906-1907 15 assets
Main Hall Sunday, April 14, 1907 at 8:15PM
Orchestra: Oratorio Society of New York
Event: Symphony Concert for Young People 1906-1907 13 assets
Main Hall Saturday, March 30, 1907 at 2:30PM
Event: Musurgia 1906-1907 13 assets
Main Hall Tuesday, February 5, 1907 at 8:00PM
Presenter: Musurgia
Orchestra: Musurgia
Conductor: Walter Henry Hall (1862–1935)
Event: Royal Welsh Male Choir 1906-1907 13 assets
Main Hall Sunday, December 16, 1906 at 8:00PM
Orchestra: Royal Welsh Male Choir
Conductor: William Thomas (1851–1920)
Event: Musical Art Society of New York 1906-1907 13 assets
Main Hall Thursday, December 13, 1906 at 8:00PM
Event: Marcella Sembrich, Soprano 1906-1907 15 assets
Main Hall Tuesday, November 20, 1906 at 3:00PM
Event: Benefit for San Francisco Earthquake Victims 1905-1906 13 assets
Main Hall Monday, May 7, 1906 at 8:00PM
Presenter: German Ladies of San Francisco Relief Committee
Orchestra: Victor Herbert's Orchestra
Conductor: Victor Herbert (1859–1924)
Event: Gunnar Wennerberg Memorial Chorus 1905-1906 13 assets
Main Hall Sunday, April 29, 1906 at 3:00PM
Orchestra: Gunnar Wennerberg Memorial Chorus
Conductor: Arvid Akerlind
Event: Graduation: College of Pharmacy of the City of New York 1905-1906 13 assets
Main Hall Thursday, April 26, 1906 at 8:00PM
Presenter: College of Pharmacy of the City of New York
Orchestra: Seventh Regiment Band
Conductor: George L. Humphrey
Event: Symphony Concert for Young People 1905-1906 13 assets
Main Hall Saturday, March 31, 1906 at 3:00PM
Event: Emma Calvé, Soprano, and Her Company 1905-1906 13 assets
Main Hall Thursday, February 22, 1906 at 3:00PM
Presenter: S. Kronberg
Event: New York Banks' Glee Club 1905-1906 13 assets
Main Hall Monday, February 12, 1906 at 8:00PM
Event: New York Symphony Orchestra 1905-1906 13 assets
Main Hall Tuesday, January 9, 1906 at 8:15PM
Main Hall Sunday, January 7, 1906 at 3:00PM
Event: Emma Calvé, Soprano, and Her Company with the New York Symphony Orchestra 1905-1906 13 assets
Main Hall Saturday, November 4, 1905 at 2:30PM
Event: Knights of Columbus Discovery Day Celebration 1905-1906 13 assets
Main Hall Sunday, October 8, 1905 at 8:00PM
Orchestra: [unnamed orchestra]
Conductor: C. Ronche
Event: Grand Army of the Republic Memorial Day Exercises 1904-1905 13 assets
Main Hall Tuesday, May 30, 1905 at 8:00PM
Presenter: Grand Army of the Republic
Event: Piano Students of J. S. Danielson 1904-1905 5 assets
Carnegie Lyceum Saturday, April 8, 1905 at 8:30PM
Event: 100th Anniversary of the Inauguration of the Movement for Free Schools 1904-1905 13 assets
Main Hall Monday, February 20, 1905 at 8:00PM
Event: Musical Art Society of New York 1904-1905 13 assets
Main Hall Thursday, December 15, 1904 at 8:30PM
Event: Johanna Gadski, Soprano, and David Bispham, Bass 1904-1905 13 assets
Main Hall Thursday, November 17, 1904 at 3:00PM
Event: Pupils of Mrs. Leslie Morgan's School 1903-1904 5 assets
Carnegie Lyceum Friday, May 27, 1904 at 3:00PM
Event: Richard Strauss with New York Philharmonic 1903-1904 13 assets
Main Hall Saturday, March 26, 1904 at 8:15PM
Presenter: Philharmonic Society of New York
Conductor: Richard Strauss (1864–1949)
Main Hall Friday, March 25, 1904 at 2:00PM
Event: Lillian Nordica, Soprano, with the New York Symphony Orchestra 1903-1904 13 assets
Main Hall Saturday, March 12, 1904 at 3:00PM
Event: Richard Strauss with Pauline Strauss de Ahna and David Bispham 1903-1904 20 assets
Main Hall Tuesday, March 1, 1904 at 3:00PM
Presenter: Wolfsohn Musical Bureau
Event: Richard Strauss with Wetzler Symphony Orchestra 1903-1904 14 assets
Main Hall Saturday, February 27, 1904 at 8:15PM
Orchestra: Wetzler Symphony Orchestra
Event: New York Symphony Orchestra 1903-1904 13 assets
Main Hall Sunday, January 10, 1904 at 3:00PM
Event: New York Banks' Glee Club 1903-1904 13 assets
Main Hall Thursday, December 3, 1903 at 8:00PM
Event: Adelina Patti, Soprano 1903-1904 21 assets
Main Hall Wednesday, November 4, 1903 at 2:15PM
Conductor: Romualdo Sapio
Event: Pupils of Henry Lincoln Case 1902-1903 3 assets
Chamber Music Hall Friday, May 29, 1903 at 8:15PM
Event: Benefit: Domincan Academy 1902-1903 5 assets
Carnegie Lyceum Friday, May 8, 1903 at 8:00PM
Event: Cercle Francais du College of the City of New York 1902-1903 5 assets
Carnegie Lyceum Friday, May 1, 1903 at 8:00PM
Presenter: College of the City of New York
Orchestra: City College of New York Orchestra
Conductor: Charles N. Drake
Event: Grand Popular Concert 1902-1903 13 assets
Main Hall Sunday, March 1, 1903 at 8:15PM
Event: David Bispham, Baritone 1902-1903 13 assets
Main Hall Sunday, March 1, 1903 at 3:30PM
Event: The People's Institute Club 1902-1903 5 assets
Carnegie Lyceum Monday, February 23, 1903 at 8:15PM
Presenter: The People's Institute
Event: Leah Barbe and Others 1902-1903 5 assets
Carnegie Lyceum Saturday, February 14, 1903 at 8:30PM
Event: Symphony Concert for Young People 1902-1903 13 assets
Main Hall Saturday, January 10, 1903 at 2:30PM
Event: Raoul Pugno, Piano, Elsa Ruegger, Cello, and David Bispham, Baritone 1902-1903 15 assets
Main Hall Sunday, December 21, 1902 at 3:30PM
Event: New York Banks' Glee Club 1902-1903 13 assets
Main Hall Thursday, December 4, 1902 at 8:00PM
Event: New York Banks' Glee Club 1901-1902 11 assets
Main Hall Wednesday, May 14, 1902 at 8:00PM
Event: David Bispham, Baritone 1901-1902 13 assets
Main Hall Sunday, April 27, 1902 at 3:30PM
Event: New York Bank's Glee Club 1901-1902 11 assets
Main Hall Tuesday, April 15, 1902 at 8:00PM
Event: Symphony Concert for Young People 1901-1902 11 assets
Main Hall Saturday, March 15, 1902 at 2:30PM