Event: Dance Recital: Martha Graham, Doris Humphrey and Charles Weidman, and Tamiris 1935-1936 19 assets
Main Hall Sunday, December 15, 1935 at 8:45PM
Presenter: International Labor Defense, New York District
Event: Ruth St. Denis with Ted Shawn and the Denishawn Dancers 1924-1925 13 assets
Main Hall Tuesday, March 31, 1925 at 8:30PM
Presenter: Daniel Mayer, Inc.
Conductor: Louis Horst (1884–1964)
Main Hall Tuesday, March 31, 1925 at 3:00PM
Event: Ruth St. Denis with Ted Shawn and the Denishawn Dancers 1924-1925 15 assets
Main Hall Tuesday, March 17, 1925 at 8:30PM