Event: Helen Teschner Tas, Violin, and Ernst Victor Wolff, Piano 1939-1940
Chamber Music Hall Monday, December 11, 1939 at 8:30PM
Presenter: Unknown presenter
Event: Carnegie Hall Young People's Entertainment: Carnegie Hall Circus 1934-1935 20 assets
Main Hall Saturday, November 10, 1934 at 2:30PM
Presenter: United Parents Associations of New York
Event: Carnegie Hall Young People's Entertainment: Toto the Clown 1934-1935 21 assets
Main Hall Saturday, October 6, 1934 at 11:00AM
Presenter: Carnegie Hall Inc.
Conductor: Milton Huber
Event: Rachel and Emil Friedberger 1932-1933
Chamber Music Hall Sunday, April 23, 1933 at 8:15PM
Event: Harold Bauer and Ossip Gabrilowitsch, Piano 1926-1927 13 assets
Main Hall Tuesday, April 19, 1927 at 8:30PM
Presenter: Metropolitan Musical Bureau
Event: National Association of Harpists 1920-1921 18 assets
Main Hall Tuesday, March 29, 1921 at 8:30PM
Presenter: National Association of Harpists, Inc.
Event: New York Philharmonic 1919-1920 13 assets
Main Hall Wednesday, January 14, 1920 at 8:30PM
Presenter: Other Presenter
Orchestra: New York Philharmonic
Conductor: Josef Stransky (1872–1936)
Event: Concert of Chilean Music: Music of Enrique Soro 1915-1916
Chamber Music Hall Friday, March 24, 1916 at 8:00PM
Presenter: American Symphony Orchestra of New York: Pan-American Committee
Event: Antoinette Boudreau, Soprano, and Frederich Wemple, Baritone 1911-1912
Carnegie Lyceum Friday, December 8, 1911 at 3:00PM
Event: Lucie Bruch, Violin, and Fritz Bruch, Cello 1911-1912
Carnegie Lyceum Tuesday, November 14, 1911 at 3:00PM
Presenter: Quinlan International Music Agency
Event: Lillian Blauvelt, Soprano, and Charles Gregorowitsch, Violin 1901-1902 11 assets
Main Hall Sunday, January 19, 1902 at 3:30PM
Presenter: H.M. Hirschberg
Event: National Institute of Music Student's Concert 1898-1899 3 assets
Chamber Music Hall Wednesday, February 15, 1899 at 8:00PM
Presenter: Ernst H. Bauer
Event: Benefit for the Sick and Wounded in the Cuban Revolution 1896-1897 9 assets
Carnegie Lyceum Saturday, March 6, 1897 at 8:00PM
Event: Georgia Powers-Carhart, Mezzo-Soprano, and Ethel Inman, Piano 1895-1896
Chamber Music Hall Friday, April 17, 1896 at 8:00PM
Event: Hortense Hibbard, Soprano, and Adelina Hibbard, Piano 1892-1893 5 assets
Chamber Music Hall Friday, March 10, 1893 at 8:30PM
Work: Grand duo concertant sur le 'Le marin', S. 128
Composer: Franz Liszt (1811–1886)
Work: Duo Concertant en Variations Brilliantes, Op. 87b
Composer: Ignaz Moscheles (1794–1870)
Work: Concert Duo
Composer: Yehudi Wyner (1929–)
Work: Abandon, duo de concert
Composer: Isidolo Angelo Figliolini (1878–1955)
Work: Duo concertant: 4. Gigue
Composer: Igor Stravinsky (1882–1971)
Work: Grand Duo Concertant in E-flat Major, Op. 48: 1. Allegro con fuoco
Composer: Carl Maria von Weber (1786–1826)