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Search results for: Eva-Thomas

Isaac Stern Auditorium / Ronald O. Perelman Stage Saturday, April 23, 2022 at 8:00PM

Presenter: The Carnegie Hall Corporation

Orchestra: Il Pomo d’Oro

Conductor: Maxim Emelyanychev (1988–)

Isaac Stern Auditorium / Ronald O. Perelman Stage Wednesday, February 12, 2003 at 11:00AM

Isaac Stern Auditorium / Ronald O. Perelman Stage Saturday, June 5, 1999 at 3:00PM

Orchestra: Great Day Chorale

Conductor: Louvinia G. Pointer (1916–2009)

Carnegie Recital Hall Thursday, May 2, 1957 at 8:30PM

Chamber Music Hall Sunday, June 15, 1930 at 7:00PM

Presenter: Gita Glaze

Chamber Music Hall Sunday, June 9, 1929 at 8:00PM

Presenter: Gita Glaze

Main Hall Sunday, May 19, 1918 at 8:00PM

Presenter: Other Presenter

Main Hall Saturday, October 6, 1917 at 8:00PM

Presenter: American Red Cross

Orchestra: United States Navy Band Great Lakes

Conductor: John Philip Sousa (1854–1932)

Main Hall Saturday, October 6, 1917 at 3:00PM

Presenter: American Red Cross

Orchestra: United States Navy Band Great Lakes

Conductor: John Philip Sousa (1854–1932)

Main Hall Wednesday, May 19, 1915 at 8:15PM

Presenter: The Humanitarian Cult/Society

Complete program of Meeting: The Humanitarian Cult, May 19, 1915
Complete program of Meeting: The Humanitarian Cult, May 19, 1915 
Source name: 
Carnegie Hall Rose Archives 

Main Hall Thursday, April 22, 1915 at 8:30PM

Presenter: St. Andrew's One-Cent Coffee Stands Society, Inc.

Orchestra: Martelli Orchestra

Main Hall Saturday, March 13, 1915 at 2:30PM

Presenter: Symphony Society of New York

Orchestra: New York Symphony Orchestra

Conductor: Walter Damrosch (1862–1950)

Main Hall Monday, March 23, 1914 at 8:15PM

Presenter: Other Presenter

Carnegie Lyceum Wednesday, February 12, 1913 at 8:00PM

Presenter: The Amateur Comedy Club

Complete program of Amateur Comedy Club, February 12, 1913
Complete program of Amateur Comedy Club, February 12, 1913 
Source name: 
Carnegie Hall Rose Archives 

Main Hall Tuesday, February 16, 1909 at 8:00PM

Presenter: New York Banks' Glee Club

Orchestra: New York Banks' Glee Club

Conductor: H. R. Humphries (–1925)

Main Hall Wednesday, February 10, 1909 at 8:00PM

Presenter: Caledonian Hospital Society

Main Hall Sunday, December 16, 1906 at 8:00PM

Presenter: Unknown presenter

Orchestra: Royal Welsh Male Choir

Conductor: William Thomas (1851–1920)

Complete program of Royal Welsh Male Choir, December 16, 1906
Complete program of Royal Welsh Male Choir, December 16, 1906 
Source name: 
Carnegie Hall Rose Archives 

Main Hall Tuesday, May 30, 1905 at 8:00PM

Presenter: Grand Army of the Republic

Carnegie Lyceum Wednesday, May 11, 1904 at 8:15PM

Presenter: The Inquantum Club

Orchestra: [unnamed orchestra]

Conductor: Brewster Boyd

Carnegie Lyceum Tuesday, May 10, 1904 at 8:15PM

Presenter: The Inquantum Club

Orchestra: [unnamed orchestra]

Conductor: Brewster Boyd

Main Hall Sunday, April 10, 1904 at 8:00PM

Presenter: The Gaelic Society

Main Hall Sunday, April 19, 1903 at 8:00PM

Presenter: Other Presenter

Carnegie Lyceum Saturday, April 20, 1901 at 3:00PM

Presenter: The Children's Theatre

Complete program of Children's Theatre, April 20, 1901
Complete program of Children's Theatre, April 20, 1901 
Source name: 
Carnegie Hall Rose Archives 

Carnegie Lyceum Saturday, April 13, 1901 at 2:30PM

Presenter: The Children's Theatre

Complete program of Children's Theatre, April 13, 1901
Complete program of Children's Theatre, April 13, 1901 
Source name: 
Carnegie Hall Rose Archives 

Carnegie Lyceum Friday, April 12, 1901 at 2:30PM

Presenter: The Children's Theatre

Complete program of Children's Theatre, April 12, 1901
Complete program of Children's Theatre, April 12, 1901 
Source name: 
Carnegie Hall Rose Archives 

Carnegie Lyceum Thursday, April 11, 1901 at 2:30PM

Presenter: The Children's Theatre

Complete program of Children's Theatre, April 11, 1901
Complete program of Children's Theatre, April 11, 1901 
Source name: 
Carnegie Hall Rose Archives 

Main Hall Friday, April 20, 1900 at 8:00PM

Presenter: New York Banks' Glee Club

Orchestra: New York Banks' Glee Club

Conductor: H. R. Humphries (–1925)

Main Hall Tuesday, February 6, 1900 at 8:30PM

Presenter: Unknown presenter

Orchestra: Oratorio Society of New York

Conductor: Walter Damrosch (1862–1950)

Chamber Music Hall Friday, March 10, 1899 at 8:00PM

Presenter: J. Jerome Hayes

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