Event: America's Youth Music 1988-1989 2 assets
Main Hall Sunday, May 14, 1989 at 2:30PM
Presenter: MidAmerica Productions, Inc.
Event: Benjamin Luxon 1987-1988 4 assets
Weill Recital Hall Friday, January 29, 1988 at 8:00PM
Presenter: The Carnegie Hall Corporation
Event: Fides S. Cuyagan Asensio and Jimmy Melendrez 1984-1985
Carnegie Recital Hall Saturday, September 29, 1984 at 2:00PM
Presenter: Cavite Association, U.S.A.
Event: Duane Duvalle 1983-1984
Carnegie Recital Hall Friday, April 20, 1984 at 8:00PM
Event: Maxwell Jarman, Bass-Baritone 1983-1984
Carnegie Recital Hall Wednesday, October 5, 1983 at 8:00PM
Presenter: New York Recital Associates, Inc.
Event: Fisk Jubilee Singers 1980-1981
Main Hall Friday, April 17, 1981 at 8:30PM
Orchestra: Fisk Jubilee Singers
Conductor: Matthew Kennedy
Event: Gerald Hamilton 1979-1980
Carnegie Recital Hall Saturday, February 9, 1980 at 2:00PM
Presenter: Other Presenter
Event: Boston Pops Orchestra 1979-1980 2 assets
Main Hall Tuesday, January 22, 1980 at 8:00PM
Orchestra: Boston Pops Orchestra
Conductor: John Williams (1932–)
Event: Janet Baker, Mezzo-Soprano 1978-1979 2 assets
Main Hall Friday, January 19, 1979 at 8:00PM
Presenter: Shaw Attractions (Shaw Concerts)
Event: Joseph Williams Vocal Studio Recital 1978-1979
Carnegie Recital Hall Sunday, November 12, 1978 at 8:30PM
Event: Down Town Glee Club 1967-1968
Main Hall Wednesday, May 1, 1968 at 8:30PM
Presenter: Down Town Glee Club
Orchestra: Down Town Glee Club
Conductor: George Mead (1902–1996)
Event: Fletcher Wolfe, Baritone 1963-1964
Carnegie Recital Hall Monday, May 18, 1964 at 8:30PM
Event: Concert by the St. Cecilia Club 1963-1964
Carnegie Recital Hall Wednesday, April 15, 1964 at 8:30PM
Presenter: St. Cecilia Club
Orchestra: St. Cecilia Club
Conductor: David Buttolph (1923–2013)
Event: Igor Kipnis, Harpsichord 1963-1964
Carnegie Recital Hall Tuesday, March 31, 1964 at 8:30PM
Event: Orchestra of America 1961-1962
Main Hall Wednesday, January 10, 1962 at 8:30PM
Presenter: Orchestra of America
Orchestra: Orchestra of America
Conductor: Richard Korn (1908–1981)
Event: The Eastman Wind Ensemble 1961-1962
Main Hall Friday, November 17, 1961 at 8:30PM
Presenter: University of Rochester
Orchestra: Eastman Wind Ensemble
Conductor: Frederick Fennell (1914–2004)
Event: Joni James, Singer 1960-1961
Main Hall Sunday, October 9, 1960 at 8:30PM
Presenter: Military Order of the Purple Heart, Alexander Hamilton Chapter No.3
Orchestra: New York "Pops" Orchestra and Chorus
Conductor: Acquaviva
Main Hall Friday, October 7, 1960 at 8:30PM
Event: Down Town Glee Club 1959-1960
Main Hall Friday, December 18, 1959 at 8:30PM
Event: Orchestra of America 1959-1960
Main Hall Wednesday, December 9, 1959 at 8:30PM
Event: Jussi Bjoerling, Tenor, Grant Johannesen, Piano, and Upsala College Choir 1958-1959 2 assets
Main Hall Wednesday, April 29, 1959 at 8:30PM
Presenter: Swedish Seaman's Welfare Fund, Inc.
Orchestra: Upsala College Choir
Conductor: Dr. Gladys Grindeland
Event: Monmouth Little Symphony Orchestra 1958-1959 2 assets
Main Hall Friday, December 26, 1958 at 8:30PM
Presenter: Alfonso D'Artega (1907–1998)
Orchestra: Monmouth Little Symphony Orchestra
Conductor: Louis Miraglia
Event: Jussi Bjoerling, Tenor 1957-1958 2 assets
Main Hall Sunday, March 2, 1958 at 8:30PM
Presenter: Felix Gerstman (1898–1967)
Event: Bell Telephone Hour 1956-1957
Main Hall Monday, April 15, 1957 at 9:00PM
Presenter: National Broadcasting Company, Inc.
Orchestra: Bell Telephone Orchestra
Conductor: Donald Voorhees (1903–1989)
Event: Harvard University Band and Glee Club 1956-1957 25 assets
Main Hall Friday, March 15, 1957 at 8:30PM
Presenter: Harvard Club of New York City
Event: Heart Fund Benefit Concert 1956-1957 25 assets
Main Hall Sunday, February 24, 1957 at 8:40PM
Presenter: Milton H. Blackstone
Orchestra: United States Military Academy Cadet Glee Club
Conductor: Frederic W. Boots (1922–2006)
Event: The Jubilee Singers 1956-1957 25 assets
Main Hall Friday, December 28, 1956 at 8:30PM
Presenter: The Jubilee Singers
Orchestra: The Jubilee Singers
Conductor: Henrietta Myers (1878–1968)
Event: Millard Williams, Bass-Baritone 1956-1957
Carnegie Recital Hall Sunday, November 11, 1956 at 5:30PM
Event: Arthur Ferrante and Louis Teicher, Duo-Pianists 1955-1956
Carnegie Recital Hall Sunday, March 18, 1956 at 5:30PM
Presenter: Carl Friedberg Music Foundation
Event: Bell Telephone Hour 1955-1956
Main Hall Monday, March 5, 1956 at 9:00PM
Event: Bell Telephone Hour 1953-1954
Main Hall Monday, March 15, 1954 at 9:00PM
Event: Down Town Glee Club 1953-1954
Main Hall Friday, December 18, 1953 at 8:30PM
Event: Jean Ludman 1953-1954
Carnegie Recital Hall Friday, November 27, 1953 at 8:30PM
Presenter: Unknown presenter
Event: Frederick Gamble, Tenor 1953-1954
Carnegie Recital Hall Tuesday, October 6, 1953 at 8:30PM
Event: John J. Totten: 50th Anniversary of Employment at Carnegie Hall 1952-1953 14 assets
Main Hall Tuesday, April 28, 1953 at 8:00PM
Presenter: Carnegie Hall Inc.
Event: George Dan'l Hoffman, Tenor 1951-1952
Carnegie Recital Hall Tuesday, May 6, 1952 at 8:30PM
Event: Celia Pearlman, Soprano 1951-1952
Carnegie Recital Hall Tuesday, April 22, 1952 at 8:30PM
Event: National Orchestral Association 1950-1951
Main Hall Monday, November 6, 1950 at 8:45PM
Presenter: National Orchestral Association
Orchestra: National Orchestral Association
Conductor: Leon Barzin (1900–1999)
Event: Students of Elsie Rosalind Wood and soloists of St. Peter's Church 1950-1951 5 assets
Chamber Music Hall Saturday, October 21, 1950 at 8:00PM
Event: John Feeney, Tenor 1950-1951
Main Hall Saturday, October 14, 1950 at 8:30PM
Event: Reinald Werrenrath, Baritone 1948-1949
Carnegie Recital Hall Sunday, February 20, 1949 at 3:00PM
Event: Carol Brice with American International Singers 1948-1949
Main Hall Wednesday, February 2, 1949 at 8:30PM
Presenter: W. Colston Leigh
Event: Recital by Elaine Castle, Mary Humphrey, Paula Mueller, Francis Bartley, Richard Stewart, Audre Kristopher, and Georgia Cristopherson 1947-1948
Carnegie Recital Hall Wednesday, March 10, 1948 at 8:30PM
Presenter: Floyd Worthington (–1984)
Event: John Feeney, Tenor 1947-1948
Main Hall Sunday, February 29, 1948 at 8:30PM
Event: Westminster Choir 1947-1948
Main Hall Friday, December 19, 1947 at 8:30PM
Orchestra: Westminster Choir
Conductor: John Finley Williamson (1887–1964)
Event: Jascha Heifetz, Violin 1946-1947
Main Hall Wednesday, March 5, 1947 at 8:45PM
Presenter: Arthur Judson Management, Inc.
Event: William Primrose, Viola 1946-1947 17 assets
Main Hall Wednesday, October 16, 1946 at 8:30PM
Event: Down Town Glee Club 1944-1945
Main Hall Wednesday, May 2, 1945 at 8:30PM
Event: John Feeney, Tenor 1943-1944
Main Hall Sunday, February 27, 1944 at 8:30PM
Presenter: National Concert and Artists Corporation
Event: Salute to China: A Tribute to Our Courageous Allies, the Chinese 1942-1943 3 assets
Main Hall Saturday, October 10, 1942 at 8:15PM
Presenter: United China Relief
Orchestra: Schola Cantorum of New York
Conductor: Hugh Ross (1898–1990)
Event: Oratorio Society of New York 1940-1941 2 assets
Main Hall Saturday, December 21, 1940 at 8:30PM
Presenter: Oratorio Society of New York
Orchestra: Oratorio Society of New York
Conductor: Albert Stoessel (1894–1943)
Event: National Orchestral Association 1940-1941 19 assets
Main Hall Monday, December 9, 1940 at 8:45PM
Event: National Orchestral Association 1940-1941 4 assets
Main Hall Monday, November 11, 1940 at 8:45PM
Event: Schola Cantorum of New York 1937-1938 19 assets
Main Hall Wednesday, January 12, 1938 at 8:30PM
Presenter: Schola Cantorum of New York
Event: New York Philharmonic 1935-1936 17 assets
Main Hall Sunday, January 19, 1936 at 3:00PM
Presenter: New York Philharmonic-Symphony Society
Orchestra: New York Philharmonic
Conductor: Thomas Beecham (1879–1961)
Event: New York Philharmonic Popular (Students') Concert 1935-1936 17 assets
Main Hall Saturday, January 18, 1936 at 8:45PM
Main Hall Sunday, January 12, 1936 at 3:00PM
Main Hall Friday, January 10, 1936 at 2:30PM
Main Hall Wednesday, January 8, 1936 at 8:45PM
Main Hall Friday, January 3, 1936 at 2:30PM