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Search results for: Frederick-Williams

Main Hall Thursday, June 15, 1916 at 8:00PM

Presenter: New York College of Dentistry

Orchestra: Conrad's Old Guard Orchestra

Conductor: Henri Conrad

Main Hall Thursday, May 11, 1916 at 8:00PM

Presenter: Columbia University

Orchestra: [unnamed orchestra]

Complete program of Graduation: Columbia University College of Pharmacy, May 11, 1916
Complete program of Graduation: Columbia University College of Pharmacy, May 11, 1916 
Source name: 
Carnegie Hall Rose Archives 

Main Hall Tuesday, April 11, 1916 at 8:00PM

Presenter: Columbia University

Orchestra: Columbia University Chorus

Conductor: Walter Henry Hall (1862–1935)

Main Hall Tuesday, November 23, 1915 at 8:15PM

Presenter: Other Presenter

Main Hall Monday, May 31, 1915 at 8:00PM

Presenter: Grand Army of the Republic

Orchestra: 69th Regiment Band

Conductor: William Bayne (–1922)

Main Hall Saturday, April 10, 1915 at 8:00PM

Presenter: New York Banks' Glee Club

Orchestra: New York Banks' Glee Club

Conductor: H. R. Humphries (–1925)

Main Hall Saturday, May 9, 1914 at 8:15PM

Presenter: R. E. Johnston (1870–1932)

Main Hall Thursday, April 16, 1914 at 8:00PM

Presenter: New York Banks' Glee Club

Orchestra: New York Banks' Glee Club

Conductor: H. R. Humphries (–1925)

Main Hall Saturday, March 14, 1914 at 8:00PM

Presenter: Unknown presenter

Conductor: Victor van Ghele

Main Hall Monday, October 13, 1913 at 8:00PM

Presenter: Knights of Columbus

Main Hall Tuesday, February 4, 1913 at 8:00PM

Presenter: New York Banks' Glee Club

Orchestra: New York Banks' Glee Club

Conductor: H. R. Humphries (–1925)

Main Hall Tuesday, December 10, 1912 at 8:30PM

Presenter: New York Banks' Glee Club

Orchestra: New York Banks' Glee Club

Conductor: H. R. Humphries (–1925)

Main Hall Sunday, April 7, 1912 at 8:00PM

Presenter: Other Presenter

Main Hall Wednesday, March 13, 1912 at 8:00PM

Presenter: Other Presenter

Main Hall Saturday, February 17, 1912 at 8:00PM

Presenter: New York Banks' Glee Club

Orchestra: New York Banks' Glee Club

Conductor: H. R. Humphries (–1925)

Main Hall Friday, April 28, 1911 at 8:30PM

Presenter: The Civic Forum

Complete program of The Civic Forum, April 28, 1911
Complete program of The Civic Forum, April 28, 1911 
Source name: 
Carnegie Hall Rose Archives 

Main Hall Saturday, April 22, 1911 at 3:00PM

Presenter: Other Presenter

Orchestra: Volpe Symphony Society of New York

Conductor: Arnold Volpe (1869–1940)

Main Hall Thursday, April 20, 1911 at 8:00PM

Presenter: New York Banks' Glee Club

Orchestra: New York Banks' Glee Club

Conductor: H. R. Humphries (–1925)

Main Hall Saturday, March 11, 1911 at 8:00PM

Presenter: Other Presenter

Complete program of Clan-na-Gael Emmet Celebration, March 11, 1911
Complete program of Clan-na-Gael Emmet Celebration, March 11, 1911 
Source name: 
Carnegie Hall Rose Archives 

Main Hall Friday, March 10, 1911 at 8:00PM

Presenter: Oratorio Society of New York

Orchestra: Oratorio Society of New York

Conductor: Frank Damrosch (1859–1937)

Complete program of Oratorio Society of New York, March 10, 1911
Complete program of Oratorio Society of New York, March 10, 1911 
Source name: 
Carnegie Hall Rose Archives 

Main Hall Monday, March 6, 1911 at 8:30PM

Presenter: W. H. Leahy

Main Hall Sunday, March 6, 1910 at 8:00PM

Presenter: Other Presenter

Complete program of Clan-na-Gael Emmet Celebration, March 6, 1910
Complete program of Clan-na-Gael Emmet Celebration, March 6, 1910 
Source name: 
Carnegie Hall Rose Archives 

Main Hall Saturday, February 5, 1910 at 8:00PM

Presenter: New York Banks' Glee Club

Orchestra: New York Banks' Glee Club

Conductor: H. R. Humphries (–1925)

Main Hall Thursday, April 22, 1909 at 8:00PM

Presenter: Unknown presenter

Complete program of Testimonial Concert to Julian Walker, April 22, 1909
Complete program of Testimonial Concert to Julian Walker, April 22, 1909 
Source name: 
Carnegie Hall Rose Archives 

Carnegie Lyceum Thursday, April 23, 1908 at 8:00PM

Presenter: Catholic Converts' League of New York, Ladies' Auxiliary

Main Hall Tuesday, April 21, 1908 at 8:00PM

Presenter: New York Banks' Glee Club

Orchestra: New York Banks' Glee Club

Conductor: H. R. Humphries (–1925)

Main Hall Thursday, April 11, 1907 at 8:00PM

Presenter: New York Banks' Glee Club

Orchestra: New York Banks' Glee Club

Conductor: H. R. Humphries (–1925)

Main Hall Friday, March 22, 1907 at 8:00PM

Presenter: People's Symphony Society

Orchestra: People's Symphony Society Orchestra

Conductor: Franz Xaver Arens (1856–1932)

Complete program of People's Symphony Concert, March 22, 1907
Complete program of People's Symphony Concert, March 22, 1907 
Source name: 
Carnegie Hall Rose Archives 

Main Hall Thursday, February 14, 1907 at 8:00PM

Presenter: New York Banks' Glee Club

Orchestra: New York Banks' Glee Club

Conductor: H. R. Humphries (–1925)

Main Hall Tuesday, December 11, 1906 at 8:00PM

Presenter: New York Banks' Glee Club

Orchestra: New York Banks' Glee Club

Conductor: H. R. Humphries (–1925)

Carnegie Lyceum Tuesday, October 16, 1906 at 8:15PM

Presenter: American Academy of Dramatic Arts

Main Hall Wednesday, May 30, 1906 at 8:00PM

Presenter: Grand Army of the Republic

Orchestra: 69th Regiment Band

Conductor: William Bayne (–1922)

Main Hall Sunday, May 27, 1906 at 8:00PM

Presenter: Amicitia Orchestral Club

Orchestra: Amicitia Amateur Band

Conductor: James F. Boyer

Main Hall Thursday, April 26, 1906 at 8:00PM

Presenter: College of Pharmacy of the City of New York

Orchestra: Seventh Regiment Band

Conductor: George L. Humphrey

Complete program of Graduation: College of Pharmacy of the City of New York, April 26, 1906
Complete program of Graduation: College of Pharmacy of the City of New York, April 26, 1906 
Source name: 
Carnegie Hall Rose Archives 

Main Hall Tuesday, April 17, 1906 at 8:00PM

Presenter: New York Banks' Glee Club

Conductor: H. R. Humphries (–1925)

Carnegie Lyceum Saturday, June 3, 1905 at 8:15PM

Presenter: Ogden-Crane School of Opera

Orchestra: [unnamed orchestra]

Conductor: Albert Mildenberg (1878–1918)

Complete program of Ogden-Crane School of Opera, June 3, 1905
Complete program of Ogden-Crane School of Opera, June 3, 1905 
Source name: 
Carnegie Hall Rose Archives 

Carnegie Lyceum Friday, April 28, 1905 at 2:00PM

Presenter: American Academy of Dramatic Arts

Complete program of American Academy of Dramatic Arts (Alumni Society), April 28, 1905
Complete program of American Academy of Dramatic Arts (Alumni Society), April 28, 1905 
Source name: 
Carnegie Hall Rose Archives 

Main Hall Thursday, April 27, 1905 at 8:00PM

Presenter: College of Pharmacy of the City of New York

Complete program of Graduation: College of Pharmacy of the City of New York, April 27, 1905
Complete program of Graduation: College of Pharmacy of the City of New York, April 27, 1905 
Source name: 
Carnegie Hall Rose Archives 

Main Hall Tuesday, April 25, 1905 at 8:00PM

Presenter: New York Banks' Glee Club

Orchestra: New York Banks' Glee Club

Conductor: H. R. Humphries (–1925)

Main Hall Monday, February 20, 1905 at 8:00PM

Presenter: Unknown presenter

Orchestra: [unnamed orchestra]

Main Hall Thursday, February 9, 1905 at 8:00PM

Presenter: New York Banks' Glee Club

Orchestra: New York Banks' Glee Club

Conductor: H. R. Humphries (–1925)

Complete program of New York Banks' Glee Club, February 9, 1905
Complete program of New York Banks' Glee Club, February 9, 1905 
Source name: 
Carnegie Hall Rose Archives 

Carnegie Lyceum Tuesday, January 24, 1905 at 8:15PM

Presenter: New York Scottish Society

Complete program of New York Scottish Society, January 24, 1905
Complete program of New York Scottish Society, January 24, 1905 
Source name: 
Carnegie Hall Rose Archives 

Carnegie Lyceum Thursday, January 12, 1905 at 8:15PM

Presenter: Louis Goulez

Complete program of Dirce St. Cyr in "The Stronger Call", January 12, 1905
Complete program of Dirce St. Cyr in "The Stronger Call", January 12, 1905 
Source name: 
Carnegie Hall Rose Archives 

Main Hall Thursday, June 23, 1904 at 8:00PM

Presenter: College of the City of New York

Complete program of Graduation: College of the City of New York, June 23, 1904
Complete program of Graduation: College of the City of New York, June 23, 1904 
Source name: 
Carnegie Hall Rose Archives 

Carnegie Lyceum Saturday, May 14, 1904 at 8:00PM

Presenter: De Witt Clinton Dramatic Society

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