Event: The New York Pops: Merry and Bright 2024-2025 549 assets
Isaac Stern Auditorium / Ronald O. Perelman Stage Saturday, December 21, 2024 at 8:00PM
Presenter: The Carnegie Hall Corporation
Orchestra: The New York Pops
Conductor: Steven Reineke (1970–)
Event: The New York Pops: Merry and Bright 2024-2025 117 assets
Isaac Stern Auditorium / Ronald O. Perelman Stage Friday, December 20, 2024 at 8:00PM
Event: The New York Pops: Back Home for the Holidays 2021-2022 102 assets
Isaac Stern Auditorium / Ronald O. Perelman Stage Friday, December 17, 2021 at 8:00PM
Event: Young People's Chorus of New York City: Winter Wonder 2017-2018
Isaac Stern Auditorium / Ronald O. Perelman Stage Thursday, December 14, 2017 at 7:00PM
Presenter: Young People's Chorus of New York City
Orchestra: Young People's Chorus of New York City
Conductor: Francisco J. Nuñez (1965–)
Event: Tony Bennett, Singer 1961-1962
Main Hall Saturday, June 9, 1962 at 8:30PM
Presenter: Felix Gerstman (1898–1967)
Orchestra: Ralph Sharon Orchestra
Conductor: Ralph Sharon (1923–2015)
Event: Fifth Annual "Talk of the Town" Musical 1955-1956 25 assets
Main Hall Tuesday, May 22, 1956 at 7:30PM
Presenter: Metropolitan Baptist Church
Orchestra: Metropolitan Baptist Church Choirs
Event: Gospel Chorus and Choir Festival 1954-1955
Main Hall Friday, October 29, 1954 at 7:45PM
Presenter: New York Age Defender
Event: Talk of Town Musical 1951-1952
Main Hall Monday, May 19, 1952 at 8:15PM
Event: New York Schools of Music 1951-1952
Main Hall Saturday, March 15, 1952 at 8:15PM
Presenter: New York Schools of Music, Inc.
Orchestra: New York Schools of Music Symphony Orchestra
Conductor: Arthur T. Cremin (1900–1985)
Event: Recital by Elaine Castle, Mary Humphrey, Paula Mueller, Francis Bartley, Richard Stewart, Audre Kristopher, and Georgia Cristopherson 1947-1948
Carnegie Recital Hall Wednesday, March 10, 1948 at 8:30PM
Presenter: Floyd Worthington (–1984)
Event: Catholic Unity League/ Newman Traveltalks 1932-1933 13 assets
Main Hall Monday, November 21, 1932 at 8:15PM
Presenter: Catholic Unity League
Conductor: William J. Finn (1881–1961)
Event: Florence Austral, Soprano, and the Springfield Orpheus Club 1927-1928 13 assets
Main Hall Saturday, January 28, 1928 at 2:30PM
Presenter: Wolfsohn Musical Bureau
Orchestra: Springfield Orpheus Club
Conductor: John J. Bishop
Event: Eleventh Annual Intercollegiate Glee Club Contest 1926-1927 13 assets
Main Hall Saturday, March 12, 1927 at 8:30PM
Presenter: Intercollegiate Musical Council
Event: Ninth Annual Intercollegiate Glee Club Contest 1924-1925 13 assets
Main Hall Saturday, March 7, 1925 at 8:15PM
Event: English Grand Opera Company: Rheingold 1924-1925 13 assets
Main Hall Monday, November 10, 1924 at 8:20PM
Presenter: Other Presenter
Orchestra: Wagnerian Symphony Orchestra
Conductor: Ernest Knoch
Event: New York Banks' Glee Club 1922-1923 13 assets
Main Hall Wednesday, January 10, 1923 at 8:00PM
Presenter: New York Banks' Glee Club
Orchestra: New York Banks' Glee Club
Conductor: Bruno S. Huhn (1871–1950)
Event: Intercollegiate Glee Club Contest 1921-1922 13 assets
Main Hall Saturday, March 4, 1922 at 8:15PM
Event: New York Banks' Glee Club 1921-1922 13 assets
Main Hall Tuesday, January 10, 1922 at 8:00PM
Event: Metropolitan Post - American Legion Concert by Metropolitan Life Insurance Company Combined Musical Organizations 1920-1921 13 assets
Main Hall Thursday, April 7, 1921 at 8:30PM
Event: Mecca Temple: Ladies' Night 1919-1920 13 assets
Main Hall Saturday, February 28, 1920 at 8:15PM
Event: New York Banks' Glee Club 1917-1918 13 assets
Main Hall Monday, April 15, 1918 at 8:00PM
Conductor: H. R. Humphries (–1925)
Main Hall Monday, December 10, 1917 at 8:00PM
Event: Intercollegiate Glee Club Contest 1916-1917 13 assets
Main Hall Saturday, March 3, 1917 at 8:00PM
Presenter: Foster & David
Conductor: Arthur D. Woodruff (1853–1934)
Event: Grand Army of the Republic Memorial Day Exercises 1915-1916 13 assets
Main Hall Tuesday, May 30, 1916 at 8:00PM
Presenter: Grand Army of the Republic
Orchestra: 69th Regiment Band
Conductor: William Bayne (–1922)
Event: Intercollegiate Glee Club Contest 1915-1916 13 assets
Main Hall Saturday, March 4, 1916 at 8:00PM
Presenter: Unknown presenter
Event: Meeting: National Security League 1915-1916 13 assets
Main Hall Tuesday, February 29, 1916 at 8:00PM
Presenter: National Security League, Inc.
Event: Yale Glee, Banjo and Mandolin Clubs 1915-1916 13 assets
Main Hall Friday, February 25, 1916 at 8:15PM
Presenter: Yale University
Event: New York Banks' Glee Club 1915-1916 13 assets
Main Hall Saturday, December 18, 1915 at 8:00PM
Event: The Civic Forum 1913-1914 13 assets
Main Hall Wednesday, March 4, 1914 at 8:00PM
Presenter: The Civic Forum
Event: New York Banks' Glee Club 1912-1913 13 assets
Main Hall Tuesday, February 4, 1913 at 8:00PM
Event: Cristeta Goñi, Violin, assisted by the Gwent Male Glee Singers 1912-1913 13 assets
Main Hall Monday, October 28, 1912 at 8:15PM
Presenter: Knickerbocker Concert Bureau
Event: New York Banks' Glee Club 1911-1912 13 assets
Main Hall Tuesday, April 16, 1912 at 8:00PM
Event: Cantor Sirota with Choir 1911-1912 13 assets
Main Hall Wednesday, March 13, 1912 at 8:00PM
Event: Grand Army of the Republic Memorial Day Exercises 1907-1908 13 assets
Main Hall Saturday, May 30, 1908 at 8:00PM
Event: New York Banks' Glee Club 1905-1906 13 assets
Main Hall Monday, February 12, 1906 at 8:00PM
Event: Hamilton Institute for Boys Dramatic Association 1904-1905 5 assets
Carnegie Lyceum Friday, March 10, 1905 at 8:30PM
Presenter: Hamilton Institute for Boys
Event: New York Banks' Glee Club 1904-1905 13 assets
Main Hall Thursday, February 9, 1905 at 8:00PM
Event: Players Theatre and Children's Theatre 1904-1905 5 assets
Carnegie Lyceum Saturday, December 17, 1904 at 8:00PM
Presenter: Pascal Institute
Event: "Such is the Law" by Mary H. Ewer 1903-1904 5 assets
Carnegie Lyceum Monday, May 2, 1904 at 8:00PM
Orchestra: [unnamed orchestra]
Conductor: Frederick Brumm
Event: Hamilton Institute Dramatic Association 1902-1903 5 assets
Carnegie Lyceum Thursday, February 12, 1903 at 8:00PM
Event: Academy Stock Company of the American Academy of Dramatic Arts/Empire Theatre Dramatic School 1902-1903 5 assets
Carnegie Lyceum Monday, November 24, 1902 at 8:15PM
Presenter: American Academy of Dramatic Arts
Conductor: Frederick J. Etzel (1873–1964)
Event: Memorial: Amos J. Cummings 1901-1902 11 assets
Main Hall Sunday, June 22, 1902 at 2:00PM
Conductor: James Beggs
Event: Seventeenth Annual Concert by the Pupils of Mme. Ogden Crane 1901-1902 5 assets
Carnegie Lyceum Wednesday, April 30, 1902 at 8:15PM
Presenter: Sarah E. Ogden-Crane (–1914)
Orchestra: [unnamed choir]
Event: Hamilton Institute Dramatic Association 1901-1902 5 assets
Carnegie Lyceum Saturday, March 22, 1902 at 8:00PM
Event: New York Banks' Glee Club 1901-1902 11 assets
Main Hall Tuesday, December 10, 1901 at 8:00PM
Event: Grand Instrumental and Vocal Concert given by Signor G. De Grandi 1900-1901 5 assets
Carnegie Lyceum Friday, April 26, 1901 at 8:15PM
Presenter: G. De Grandi
Event: Graduation: College of Pharmacy of the City of New York 1900-1901 9 assets
Main Hall Friday, April 26, 1901 at 8:00PM
Presenter: College of Pharmacy of the City of New York
Orchestra: Seventh Regiment Band
Conductor: George L. Humphrey
Event: New York Banks' Glee Club 1900-1901 9 assets
Main Hall Tuesday, April 23, 1901 at 8:00PM
Event: Powers-Arnold Wednesday Morning Musicale 1898-1899 9 assets
Carnegie Lyceum Wednesday, February 1, 1899 at 10:00AM
Event: Students of Helene Maigille 1897-1898 9 assets
Carnegie Lyceum Wednesday, May 18, 1898 at 8:00PM
Event: Mount Sinai Alumni Concert 1897-1898 9 assets
Carnegie Lyceum Tuesday, December 28, 1897 at 8:15PM
Presenter: Mount Sinai Alumni