Event: The New York Pops: Holiday Concert with The Boys Choir of Harlem 1997-1998
Isaac Stern Auditorium / Ronald O. Perelman Stage Friday, December 5, 1997 at 8:00PM
Presenter: The Carnegie Hall Corporation
Orchestra: The New York Pops
Conductor: Skitch Henderson (1918–2005)
Event: The Glory Singers: An Evening of Spirituals (Part II) 1996-1997 2 assets
Weill Recital Hall Sunday, May 18, 1997 at 8:30PM
Presenter: Dr. Glory Productions, Inc.
Orchestra: The Glory Singers
Conductor: Glory Van Scott (1947–)
Event: Queens and Brooklyn Borough-Wide Concert Program 1996-1997
Isaac Stern Auditorium / Ronald O. Perelman Stage Wednesday, May 7, 1997 at 7:30PM
Presenter: Friends of Music
Event: Cristoforo Padula, Tenor 1996-1997
Weill Recital Hall Wednesday, February 19, 1997 at 8:00PM
Event: Kathleen Battle, Soprano 1996-1997
Main Hall Tuesday, January 14, 1997 at 7:30PM
Event: The New York Pops: A Holiday Tradition 1996-1997
Main Hall Saturday, December 14, 1996 at 8:00PM
Main Hall Friday, December 13, 1996 at 8:00PM
Event: Kathleen Cuvelier, Soprano, and Efren Puig, Tenor 1995-1996
Weill Recital Hall Sunday, December 10, 1995 at 2:00PM
Presenter: Concert Associates, Inc.
Conductor: Barbara Purdy-Guess
Event: The New York Pops 1995-1996
Main Hall Saturday, December 9, 1995 at 8:00PM
Main Hall Friday, December 8, 1995 at 8:00PM
Event: The New York Pops 1992-1993
Main Hall Saturday, December 5, 1992 at 8:00PM
Main Hall Saturday, December 5, 1992 at 2:00PM
Main Hall Friday, December 4, 1992 at 8:00PM
Event: Sondheim: A Celebration at Carnegie Hall 1991-1992 15 assets
Main Hall Wednesday, June 10, 1992 at 8:30PM
Orchestra: American Theatre Orchestra
Conductor: Paul Gemignani
Event: Sacred Choir Festival 1990-1991
Main Hall Sunday, June 30, 1991 at 8:00PM
Presenter: Other Presenter
Event: Queens Borough-Wide Salute to Music 1990-1991
Main Hall Thursday, May 9, 1991 at 7:30PM
Presenter: Newsday
Event: Manhattan Philharmonic: International Children's Choirs in Concert 1989-1990 2 assets
Main Hall Tuesday, May 29, 1990 at 8:00PM
Presenter: MidAmerica Productions, Inc.
Orchestra: Manhattan Philharmonic
Conductor: Doreen Rao (1950–)
Event: Sherrill Milnes, Baritone 1989-1990 2 assets
Main Hall Monday, April 30, 1990 at 8:00PM
Event: James Galway, Flute, Carter Brey, Cello, and Phillip Moll, Piano 1989-1990 2 assets
Main Hall Monday, December 18, 1989 at 8:00PM
Event: Family Holiday Concert 1989-1990 2 assets
Main Hall Wednesday, December 13, 1989 at 7:30PM
Orchestra: New England Youth Ensemble
Conductor: John Rutter (1945–)
Event: Black History Makers Awards Ceremony 1988-1989 2 assets
Main Hall Wednesday, February 1, 1989 at 8:00PM
Presenter: Associated Black Charities
Event: Elisabeth Soderstrom/ Vladimir Ashkenazy 1986-1987 2 assets
Main Hall Sunday, February 8, 1987 at 3:00PM
Event: Mattiwilda Dobbs/Lorice Stevens/Kenn Hicks/William Warfield 1986-1987 2 assets
Main Hall Saturday, January 3, 1987 at 8:00PM
Presenter: Today's Artists, Inc.
Event: Newport Jazz Festival: Tribute to Mahalia Jackson 1974-1975
Main Hall Saturday, June 28, 1975 at 8:00PM
Presenter: Festival Productions, Inc.
Event: New York Jazz Repertory Company: The Savoy Ballroom "The Home of Happy Feet" 1974-1975
Main Hall Thursday, May 8, 1975 at 8:00PM
Orchestra: New York Jazz Repertory Company
Event: Down Town Glee Club 1970-1971
Main Hall Friday, December 18, 1970 at 8:30PM
Presenter: Down Town Glee Club
Orchestra: Down Town Glee Club
Conductor: George Mead (1902–1996)
Event: Eddy Kronengold, Piano 1969-1970
Carnegie Recital Hall Sunday, March 1, 1970 at 5:30PM
Presenter: Norman J. Seaman (1923–2009)
Event: William Shadel, Clarinet 1967-1968
Carnegie Recital Hall Sunday, September 24, 1967 at 8:30PM
Event: Olga James, Soprano 1966-1967
Carnegie Recital Hall Sunday, May 21, 1967 at 8:30PM
Event: Modern Jazz Quartet 1965-1966 3 assets
Main Hall Wednesday, April 27, 1966 at 8:30PM
Presenter: Manhattan School of Music
Event: The Band of Her Majesty's Royal Marines, The Pipes and Drums of the Royal Scots Greys and the Scot Guards, and The British Columbia Highland Lassies 1965-1966
Main Hall Saturday, October 9, 1965 at 10:30AM
Presenter: Columbia Festivals, Inc.
Orchestra: Band of Her Majesty's Royal Marines
Conductor: Vivian Dunn (1908–1995)
Event: Donald Anderson, Cello 1964-1965
Carnegie Recital Hall Saturday, March 13, 1965 at 5:30PM
Event: Nina Simone, Singer 1964-1965 4 assets
Main Hall Friday, January 15, 1965 at 8:30PM
Presenter: Felix Gerstman (1898–1967)
Orchestra: [unnamed orchestra]
Conductor: Hal Mooney
Event: The Archidiocesan Chorus of New York 1963-1964
Main Hall Sunday, May 31, 1964 at 3:00PM
Orchestra: Archdiocesan Chorus of New York
Conductor: William F. Jacques
Event: Down Town Glee Club 1962-1963
Main Hall Friday, December 14, 1962 at 8:30PM
Event: Paul Olefsky, Cello 1961-1962
Carnegie Recital Hall Sunday, May 20, 1962 at 5:30PM
Event: LoisAnn Oakes, Mezzo-Soprano 1961-1962
Carnegie Recital Hall Sunday, March 18, 1962 at 2:30PM
Event: The Lydian Chamber Ensemble 1961-1962
Carnegie Recital Hall Monday, November 27, 1961 at 8:30PM
Event: Charles Forbes, Cello, and Ralph Votapek, Piano 1961-1962
Carnegie Recital Hall Sunday, November 19, 1961 at 5:30PM
Event: Elaine Gordon Fligman, Mezzo-Soprano 1960-1961
Carnegie Recital Hall Sunday, May 28, 1961 at 5:30PM
Event: Marion Selee, Mezzo-Contralto 1960-1961
Carnegie Lyceum Saturday, May 13, 1961 at 5:30PM
Event: All City High School Chorus and Orchestra 1960-1961
Main Hall Wednesday, May 10, 1961 at 8:30PM
Presenter: New York City Board of Education
Event: WNYC 22nd Annual American Music Festival: U.S. Army Band and Chorus 1960-1961
Main Hall Thursday, February 16, 1961 at 5:30PM
Presenter: WNYC
Event: Philip Jones, Bass 1960-1961
Carnegie Recital Hall Sunday, November 13, 1960 at 5:30PM
Event: Nicolai Gedda, Tenor, with the Cappella Russian Male Chorus 1959-1960
Main Hall Friday, February 12, 1960 at 8:30PM
Presenter: Columbia Artists Management, Inc.
Event: Testimonial Meeting: Salute to A. Philip Randolph 1959-1960
Main Hall Sunday, January 24, 1960 at 8:30PM
Event: Nathan Mishory, Piano 1958-1959
Carnegie Recital Hall Saturday, February 7, 1959 at 5:30PM
Event: Twilight Concert: New York Chamber Soloists 1957-1958
Carnegie Recital Hall Saturday, November 16, 1957 at 5:30PM
Event: Randolph Singers 1957-1958
Carnegie Recital Hall Saturday, September 21, 1957 at 8:30PM
Orchestra: Randolph Singers
Conductor: David Randolph (1914–2010)
Event: Ruth Brall, Contralto 1956-1957
Carnegie Recital Hall Saturday, March 16, 1957 at 5:30PM
Event: Katherine Sutter, Soprano, and Jean Gressley, Mezzo-Soprano 1956-1957 3 assets
Carnegie Recital Hall Monday, March 4, 1957 at 8:30PM
Event: Interval Concert: Frederick Fuller, Baritone 1956-1957 3 assets
Carnegie Recital Hall Thursday, September 13, 1956 at 8:30PM
Event: Fifth Annual "Talk of the Town" Musical 1955-1956 25 assets
Main Hall Tuesday, May 22, 1956 at 7:30PM
Presenter: Metropolitan Baptist Church
Orchestra: Metropolitan Baptist Church Choirs
Event: Opera Scenes presented by the Vladimir Elin Studios 1955-1956 5 assets
Carnegie Recital Hall Friday, May 11, 1956 at 8:30PM
Presenter: Vladimir Elin Studios
Event: The Collegiate Chorale 1953-1954
Main Hall Tuesday, December 15, 1953 at 8:30PM
Presenter: MasterVoices
Orchestra: MasterVoices
Conductor: Robert Shaw (1916–1999)
Event: Metropolitan Baptist Church Second Annual Talk of the Town Musical 1952-1953
Main Hall Monday, May 18, 1953 at 7:30PM
Event: The New York Pops 1952-1953 21 assets
Main Hall Tuesday, May 5, 1953 at 8:30PM
Presenter: Unknown presenter
Orchestra: New York Philharmonic: Members
Event: Jeanette MacDonald, Soprano 1952-1953 1 asset
Main Hall Friday, January 16, 1953 at 8:40PM
Presenter: Sol Hurok (1888–1974)
Event: Gospel and Religious Music Festival featuring Mahalia Jackson 1952-1953 17 assets
Main Hall Sunday, October 12, 1952 at 8:30PM
Presenter: Joe Bostic (1908–1988)
Event: Byzantine Singers 1951-1952
Main Hall Saturday, November 10, 1951 at 8:30PM
Orchestra: The Byzantine Singers
Conductor: Christos Vrionides (1894–1961)