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Search results for: John-Bowen

Zankel Hall Friday, March 9, 2018 at 7:00PM

Presenter: Mahanaim

Main Hall Sunday, April 17, 1994 at 2:00PM

Presenter: Field Studies International, Inc.

Main Hall Monday, April 12, 1993 at 8:00PM

Presenter: Field Studies International, Inc.

Orchestra: Tennessee Youth Chorale

Conductor: Eph Ehly

Main Hall Sunday, February 20, 1966 at 2:00PM

Presenter: American Accordionists' Association, Inc.

Orchestra: United States Navy Band

Conductor: Anthony A. Mitchell

Main Hall Sunday, March 5, 1933 at 8:00PM

Presenter: New York Schools of Music, Inc.

Main Hall Sunday, March 9, 1919 at 3:00PM

Presenter: Wolfsohn Musical Bureau

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