Event: United Swedish Singing Societies of New York 1914-1915 13 assets
Main Hall Saturday, December 26, 1914 at 8:00PM
Presenter: United Swedish Societies of New York
Event: Grand Festival Concert of the American Union of Swedish Singers 1909-1910 13 assets
Main Hall Sunday, May 29, 1910 at 8:00PM
Presenter: Other Presenter
Main Hall Saturday, May 28, 1910 at 8:00PM
Event: New York Banks' Glee Club 1909-1910 13 assets
Main Hall Tuesday, December 7, 1909 at 8:00PM
Presenter: New York Banks' Glee Club
Orchestra: New York Banks' Glee Club
Conductor: H. R. Humphries (–1925)
Event: Anna Hellstrom and Others 1906-1907 13 assets
Main Hall Sunday, December 23, 1906 at 8:00PM
Event: New York Banks Glee Club 1902-1903 13 assets
Main Hall Tuesday, April 14, 1903 at 8:00PM
Event: Gunnar Wennerberg Memorial Chorus 1902-1903 13 assets
Main Hall Sunday, March 15, 1903 at 3:30PM
Orchestra: Gunnar Wennerberg Memorial Chorus
Conductor: Arvid Akerlind
Event: New York Banks' Glee Club 1901-1902 11 assets
Main Hall Wednesday, May 14, 1902 at 8:00PM
Event: Memorial: Gunnar Wennerberg 1901-1902 11 assets
Main Hall Sunday, May 4, 1902 at 8:00PM
Event: Concert Given by Legrand Howland 1900-1901 5 assets
Carnegie Lyceum Thursday, April 18, 1901 at 3:00PM
Presenter: William Legrand Howland (1873–1915)
Event: Students of Caroline Maben and Others 1900-1901 3 assets
Chamber Music Hall Saturday, February 16, 1901 at 2:30PM
Presenter: Unknown presenter
Event: The Women's Philharmonic Society of New York 1900-1901 5 assets
Carnegie Lyceum Tuesday, November 27, 1900 at 8:30PM
Presenter: Women's Philharmonic Society of New York
Orchestra: Women's Philharmonic Society of New York
Conductor: Martina Johnstone
Event: Sousa and His Men 1896-1897 10 assets
Main Hall Sunday, December 27, 1896 at 8:15PM
Orchestra: Sousa's Band
Conductor: John Philip Sousa (1854–1932)
Event: Benefit: Normal College Alumni Library 1893-1894
Main Hall Monday, November 27, 1893 at 8:00PM