Event: Nathaniel Olson, Baritone, and Kevin Murphy, Piano 2014-2015 7 assets
Weill Recital Hall Friday, February 13, 2015 at 7:30PM
Presenter: The Carnegie Hall Corporation
Event: Exit to USA--Concert Commemorating the Exiled Artists after the Anschluss 2013-2014
Weill Recital Hall Monday, May 19, 2014 at 8:00PM
Event: Johann Von Goethe Lieder Recital 1981-1982
Carnegie Recital Hall Saturday, February 27, 1982 at 5:45PM
Event: Roger Bobo, Tuba 1960-1961
Carnegie Recital Hall Friday, March 31, 1961 at 8:30PM
Event: Elisabeth Schwarzkopf, Soprano 1960-1961
Main Hall Sunday, November 27, 1960 at 8:30PM
Presenter: Felix Gerstman (1898–1967)