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Search results for: Patricia-Brown

Main Hall Tuesday, May 15, 1990 at 8:00PM

Presenter: Shield Institute for Retarded Children

Orchestra: [unnamed orchestra]

Conductor: Sammy Fidler

Main Hall Saturday, March 8, 1975 at 8:00PM

Presenter: The Carnegie Hall Corporation

Orchestra: New York Jazz Repertory Company

Conductor: George Russell (1923–2009)

Carnegie Recital Hall Friday, November 24, 1961 at 6:00PM

Presenter: Norman J. Seaman (1923–2009)

Carnegie Recital Hall Tuesday, September 14, 1954 at 2:00PM

Presenter: American Theatre Wing

Main Hall Saturday, February 10, 1951 at 2:30PM

Presenter: National Orchestral Association

Orchestra: National Orchestral Association

Conductor: Leon Barzin (1900–1999)

Main Hall Monday, May 31, 1920 at 8:00PM

Presenter: Grand Army of the Republic

Orchestra: 69th Regiment Band

Conductor: William Bayne (–1922)

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