Event: Emily D'Angelo, Mezzo-Soprano, and Sophia Muñoz, Piano 2023-2024 19 assets
Zankel Hall Saturday, April 20, 2024 at 7:30PM
Presenter: The Carnegie Hall Corporation
Event: Manhattan International Music Competition 2022-2023
Weill Recital Hall Saturday, July 15, 2023 at 8:00PM
Presenter: Manhattan International Music Festival and Competition
Event: SongStudio: Young Artists Recital 2022-2023 31 assets
Zankel Hall Saturday, February 4, 2023 at 7:30PM
Event: The University of Southern Mississippi Southern Chorale, The University of Southern Mississippi Symphony Orchestra, and The Voorhees Choir at Rutgers University 2018-2019
Isaac Stern Auditorium / Ronald O. Perelman Stage Tuesday, April 23, 2019 at 8:00PM
Presenter: National Concerts
Event: C4 Choral Convergence Celebration Concert 2016-2017 1 asset
Isaac Stern Auditorium / Ronald O. Perelman Stage Saturday, March 25, 2017 at 7:00PM
Presenter: Choirs of America
Orchestra: Choirs of America
Conductor: Z. Randall Stroope (1953–)
Event: Deborah Popham 2015-2016
Weill Recital Hall Monday, December 7, 2015 at 8:00PM
Event: Best Bands and Choirs International 2014-2015
Isaac Stern Auditorium / Ronald O. Perelman Stage Friday, March 6, 2015 at 6:00PM
Work: Come, ye disconsolate
Composer: Samuel Webbe (1740–1816)
Event: Thomas Hampson, Baritone, and Wolfram Rieger, Piano 2014-2015 6 assets
Isaac Stern Auditorium / Ronald O. Perelman Stage Monday, February 9, 2015 at 8:00PM
Event: Nathan Gunn, Baritone, Julie Gunn, Piano, and the Pacifica Quartet 2012-2013 9 assets
Zankel Hall Monday, April 22, 2013 at 7:30PM
Event: A Great Night for the Irish! 2008-2009 2 assets
Isaac Stern Auditorium / Ronald O. Perelman Stage Thursday, March 12, 2009 at 8:00PM
Event: Barry Alexander International Vocal Competition Winners 2007-2008
Weill Recital Hall Sunday, January 27, 2008 at 1:30PM
Event: Janellen Farmer, Soprano, and Friends 2005-2006
Weill Recital Hall Saturday, April 8, 2006 at 8:30PM
Event: Eric Cutler, Tenor, and Bradley Moore, Piano 2005-2006
Weill Recital Hall Friday, February 17, 2006 at 7:30PM
Event: Caprice Corona and Sookhyung Park, Soprano 2004-2005
Weill Recital Hall Thursday, April 7, 2005 at 8:00PM
Presenter: Center for Contemporary Opera
Event: Country Day School of the Sacred Heart Select Choir 2003-2004
Weill Recital Hall Saturday, November 1, 2003 at 2:00PM
Conductor: Christine Malone Kline
Event: Voices of the New Millennium II & Rising Star Competition 2001-2002
Weill Recital Hall Saturday, December 8, 2001 at 8:30PM
Orchestra: The Naomi Music Ensemble
Event: Seung-Hee Hong, Soprano 2000-2001
Weill Recital Hall Saturday, November 4, 2000 at 5:30PM
Presenter: Artists International Presentations, Inc.
Event: New York City Gay Men's Chorus 1999-2000 14 assets
Isaac Stern Auditorium / Ronald O. Perelman Stage Monday, June 12, 2000 at 7:30PM
Presenter: New York City Gay Men's Chorus
Orchestra: New York City Gay Men's Chorus
Conductor: Barry Oliver
Event: New York Festival of Song Concert 1999-2000
Weill Recital Hall Thursday, May 18, 2000 at 8:00PM
Presenter: New York Festival of Song
Event: New York City Gay Men's Chorus 1996-1997 13 assets
Isaac Stern Auditorium / Ronald O. Perelman Stage Monday, June 23, 1997 at 8:00PM
Presenter: Big Apple Performing Arts, Inc.
Conductor: Gary Miller (1946–)
Event: New York City Gay Men's Chorus 1991-1992
Main Hall Thursday, December 19, 1991 at 8:00PM
Main Hall Wednesday, December 18, 1991 at 8:00PM
Event: June Anderson, Soprano 1991-1992 4 assets
Main Hall Thursday, December 12, 1991 at 8:00PM
Event: Leontyne Price, Soprano 1987-1988 2 assets
Main Hall Sunday, October 25, 1987 at 3:00PM
Presenter: Other Presenter
Event: The Voices of Hope 1985-1986
Carnegie Recital Hall Saturday, May 10, 1986 at 2:00PM
Orchestra: The Voices of Hope
Conductor: Carl E. Williams
Event: Senior Concert Orchestra of New York 1985-1986 6 assets
Main Hall Monday, January 20, 1986 at 2:30PM
Orchestra: Senior Concert Orchestra of New York
Conductor: Daniel Vandersall (–1987)
Event: New York City Gay Men's Chorus 1985-1986
Main Hall Wednesday, December 18, 1985 at 8:00PM
Event: International American Music Competition for Violinists (Semi-Finals) 1983-1984
Carnegie Recital Hall Friday, September 23, 1983 at 3:20PM
Event: Barbara Feller, Soprano 1982-1983
Carnegie Recital Hall Thursday, March 10, 1983 at 8:00PM
Event: International American Music Competition for Pianists (Semi-Finals) 1981-1982 2 assets
Carnegie Recital Hall Thursday, September 24, 1981 at 10:30AM
Event: Janis-Rozena Peri, Soprano 1979-1980
Carnegie Recital Hall Wednesday, June 18, 1980 at 8:00PM
Presenter: Old Dominion University
Event: Junior High School Salute to Music: Seventeenth Annual Borough-Wide Concert 1974-1975 42 assets
Main Hall Thursday, May 15, 1975 at 7:30PM
Presenter: Friends of Music
Event: Barbara Kent, Soprano 1964-1965
Carnegie Recital Hall Saturday, November 7, 1964 at 5:30PM
Presenter: Norman J. Seaman (1923–2009)
Event: Nancy Hallas, Soprano 1963-1964
Carnegie Recital Hall Friday, November 8, 1963 at 8:30PM
Presenter: Constance Wardle Management
Event: Evelyn Sachs, Mezzo-Soprano 1957-1958
Carnegie Recital Hall Saturday, March 1, 1958 at 5:30PM
Event: Mahalia Jackson 1954-1955
Main Hall Sunday, May 8, 1955 at 1:30PM
Presenter: Joe Bostic (1908–1988)
Event: Irish Festival Singers 1954-1955
Main Hall Friday, January 28, 1955 at 8:30PM
Presenter: Albert Morini
Orchestra: Irish Festival Singers
Conductor: Kitty O'Callaghan
Event: Helen Rice, Soprano 1953-1954 3 assets
Carnegie Recital Hall Sunday, November 1, 1953 at 8:30PM
Presenter: Unknown presenter
Event: Negro Gospel and Religious Music Festival featuring Mahalia Jackson 1953-1954
Main Hall Sunday, October 4, 1953 at 2:00PM
Event: Talk of Town Musical 1951-1952
Main Hall Monday, May 19, 1952 at 8:15PM
Presenter: Metropolitan Baptist Church
Event: Negro Gospel and Religious Music Festival featuring Mahalia Jackson 1951-1952
Main Hall Sunday, November 25, 1951 at 8:00PM
Event: Negro Gospel and Religious Music Festival featuring Mahalia Jackson 1951-1952 17 assets
Main Hall Sunday, October 7, 1951 at 2:00PM
Event: High School of Music and Art Symphony Orchestra and Choral Society 1941-1942 4 assets
Main Hall Thursday, May 7, 1942 at 8:45PM
Orchestra: High School of Music and Art Orchestra
Event: John McCormack, Tenor, and Mary Lewis, Soprano 1933-1934
Main Hall Sunday, December 17, 1933 at 8:00PM
Event: James Butler, Baritone 1927-1928 13 assets
Main Hall Thursday, November 10, 1927 at 8:30PM
Presenter: James B. (James Burton) Pond (1889–1961)
Event: Benefit: St. Andrew's One Cent Coffee Stands Society, Inc. 1926-1927 13 assets
Main Hall Wednesday, April 27, 1927 at 8:15PM
Presenter: St. Andrew's One-Cent Coffee Stands Society, Inc.
Event: Columbus Day Celebration 1926-1927 13 assets
Main Hall Tuesday, October 12, 1926 at 8:00PM
Event: Henry Condon, Tenor 1925-1926
Chamber Music Hall Sunday, November 1, 1925 at 8:00PM
Event: Grand Army of the Republic Memorial Day Exercises 1924-1925 13 assets
Main Hall Saturday, May 30, 1925 at 8:00PM
Presenter: Grand Army of the Republic
Orchestra: Gartland's Verterans' Band
Conductor: John L. Gartland
Event: Colin O'More, Tenor 1924-1925 13 assets
Main Hall Sunday, October 5, 1924 at 3:00PM
Event: Joint Concert of American Glee Clubs 1923-1924 13 assets
Main Hall Monday, March 10, 1924 at 8:15PM
Presenter: Wolfsohn Musical Bureau
Event: Laurence Leonard, Baritone 1920-1921 13 assets
Main Hall Tuesday, November 23, 1920 at 3:00PM
Event: St. Mark's Methodist Episcopal Choir 1917-1918 13 assets
Main Hall Monday, May 20, 1918 at 8:15PM
Orchestra: St. Mark's Methodist Episcopal Choir
Conductor: E. Aldama Jackson
Event: John McCormack, Tenor 1917-1918 13 assets
Main Hall Sunday, March 31, 1918 at 3:00PM
Event: Music School Settlement Festival Concert 1917-1918 13 assets
Main Hall Wednesday, March 6, 1918 at 8:30PM
Presenter: Music School Settlement for Colored People, Inc.
Orchestra: Music School Settlement Orchestra
Conductor: Arthur Farwell (1877–1952)
Event: Meeting: Girls' Patriotic Service League 1917-1918 13 assets
Main Hall Monday, February 25, 1918 at 8:00PM
Presenter: Girls' Patriotic Service League
Event: Meeting: The Humanitarian Cult 1917-1918 13 assets
Main Hall Monday, November 5, 1917 at 8:00PM
Presenter: The Humanitarian Cult/Society
Event: Thomas Egan, Tenor, assisted by Lilian Breton, Soprano, and Frederic Gerard, Violin 1916-1917 13 assets
Main Hall Sunday, April 15, 1917 at 8:00PM