Work: Trouble in My Way
Composer: Spiritual
Work: Swing low, sweet chariot
Arranger: Harry T. Burleigh (1866–1949)
Work: Old Time Religion
Work: Negro Spiritual
Composer: Alice Parker (1925–2023)
Work: Lit'l boy, how old are you?
Arranger: Roland Hayes (1887–1976)
Work: My God is so high
Arranger: Hall Johnson (1888–1970)
Work: Heaven is One Beautiful Place
Work: Sinner Man
Work: Oh, Lord, have mercy on me
Work: What A Blessing
Work: Steal Away
Arranger: Samuel Coleridge-Taylor (1875–1912)
Work: At the feet of Jesus
Work: Goin' to shout
Work: Story Crown
Work: Want to go to Heaven
Work: Oh, What a Beautiful City
Work: Great God A'mighty
Arranger: Jester Hairston (1901–2000)
Work: I've done what you told me
Work: Spirituals
Composer: Morton Gould (1913–1996)
Work: Too Close to Heaven
Work: I'll Never Turn Back No Mo'
Work: My Lord, What a Mornin'
Work: Swing dat hammer!
Work: Glory, Glory
Work: Talk about a child that do love Jesus
Arranger: William Levi Dawson (1899–1990)
Work: Wade in de water
Work: Let Us Break Bread Together
Work: He's Got the Whole World in His Hands
Work: Soon I Will Be Done
Work: Roun' de Glory Manger
Work: Free At Last
Work: His Name So Sweet
Work: Lord I want to be
Work: There's a Man Goin' Round Takin' Names 1 asset
Work: I Can Tell the World
Work: They Lead My Lord Away
Work: Le' me shine
Arranger: Percival Parham (–1938)
Work: There is a Balm in Gilead
Work: Stan' still Jordan
Work: Oh, What A Beautiful City
Work: Bye and Bye
Arranger: Marshall Bartholomew (1885–1978)
Work: Jerry ("Lord, Dis Timber Gotta Roll")
Arranger: Leonard De Paur (1914–1998)
Work: In Bright Mansions Above
Work: Soon I'm goin' home
Work: Didn't My Lord Deliver Daniel?
Work: Fighting on, Hallelujah
Work: It's me, oh Lord
Work: I Made A Vow To The Lord
Work: O Death
Work: Peter go ring dem bells
Work: I'm Drinking From a Fountain
Work: We Are Climbing Jacob's Ladder
Work: Jubalee
Work: By and By
Work: Soon one mawnin'
Work: What month was my Jesus born in
Work: Ezekiel Saw the Wheel
Arranger: Margaret Bonds (1913–1972)
Work: Father Abraham
Work: I'm gwine to Alabamy