Event: National Youth Choir 2023-2024
Isaac Stern Auditorium / Ronald O. Perelman Stage Sunday, March 24, 2024 at 8:30PM
Presenter: Worldstrides
Event: 2023 Harmonic Convergence Concert 2022-2023
Isaac Stern Auditorium / Ronald O. Perelman Stage Saturday, March 25, 2023 at 6:00PM
Presenter: Choirs of America
Orchestra: Choirs of America
Conductor: André J. Thomas (1952–)
Event: National Youth Choir 2022-2023
Isaac Stern Auditorium / Ronald O. Perelman Stage Monday, March 6, 2023 at 8:00PM
Event: National Youth Choir 2018-2019
Isaac Stern Auditorium / Ronald O. Perelman Stage Sunday, March 24, 2019 at 8:30PM
Event: 2018 Harmonic Convergence Concert 2017-2018
Isaac Stern Auditorium / Ronald O. Perelman Stage Friday, April 6, 2018 at 8:00PM
Event: National Youth Choir 2016-2017 1 asset
Isaac Stern Auditorium / Ronald O. Perelman Stage Sunday, April 2, 2017 at 8:30PM
Orchestra: National Youth Choir
Event: Grand Army of the Republic Memorial Day Exercises 1915-1916 13 assets
Main Hall Tuesday, May 30, 1916 at 8:00PM
Presenter: Grand Army of the Republic
Orchestra: 69th Regiment Band
Conductor: William Bayne (–1922)
Event: The Inquantum Club 1903-1904 5 assets
Carnegie Lyceum Wednesday, May 11, 1904 at 8:15PM
Presenter: The Inquantum Club
Orchestra: [unnamed orchestra]
Conductor: Brewster Boyd
Carnegie Lyceum Tuesday, May 10, 1904 at 8:15PM
Event: Dramatic and Musical Entertainment in Aid of The Scholarship Fund of the Pascal Institute 1903-1904 5 assets
Carnegie Lyceum Tuesday, April 19, 1904 at 8:00PM
Presenter: Pascal Institute
Event: Pupils' Concert given by Lillian Gibbs Boyd 1899-1900
Carnegie Lyceum Monday, February 12, 1900 at 8:00PM
Presenter: Lillian Gibbs Boyd