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Search results for: Thomas-Mayer

Weill Recital Hall Monday, May 18, 1992 at 8:00PM

Carnegie Recital Hall Tuesday, January 9, 1979 at 8:00PM

Presenter: The Carnegie Hall Corporation

Main Hall Saturday, November 3, 1917 at 8:15PM

Presenter: State Association Opposed to Woman Suffrage

Orchestra: [unnamed orchestra]

Conductor: Joseph Carl Breil

Main Hall Thursday, April 26, 1906 at 8:00PM

Presenter: College of Pharmacy of the City of New York

Orchestra: Seventh Regiment Band

Conductor: George L. Humphrey

Complete program of Graduation: College of Pharmacy of the City of New York, April 26, 1906
Complete program of Graduation: College of Pharmacy of the City of New York, April 26, 1906 
Source name: 
Carnegie Hall Rose Archives 

Chamber Music Hall Monday, November 20, 1893 at 8:15PM

Presenter: Unknown presenter

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