Event: New York Banks' Glee Club 1924-1925 13 assets
Main Hall Wednesday, April 15, 1925 at 8:30PM
Presenter: New York Banks' Glee Club
Orchestra: New York Banks' Glee Club
Conductor: Bruno S. Huhn (1871–1950)
Event: Ninth Annual Intercollegiate Glee Club Contest 1924-1925 13 assets
Main Hall Saturday, March 7, 1925 at 8:15PM
Presenter: Intercollegiate Musical Council
Main Hall Wednesday, January 7, 1925 at 8:00PM
Event: Joint Concert of American Glee Clubs 1923-1924 13 assets
Main Hall Monday, March 10, 1924 at 8:15PM
Presenter: Wolfsohn Musical Bureau
Event: Mademoiselle Jenny Lind as sung by Miss Frieda Hempel 1923-1924 17 assets
Main Hall Tuesday, February 12, 1924 at 8:00PM
Presenter: Other Presenter
Event: Dame Clara Butt 1923-1924 13 assets
Main Hall Thursday, December 13, 1923 at 3:00PM
Event: Tito Schipa, Tenor 1923-1924 15 assets
Main Hall Monday, October 1, 1923 at 8:00PM
Presenter: Evans & Salter
Event: Oratorio Society of New York 1922-1923 13 assets
Main Hall Wednesday, April 4, 1923 at 8:00PM
Presenter: Oratorio Society of New York
Orchestra: Oratorio Society of New York
Conductor: Albert Stoessel (1894–1943)
Event: Winnipeg Male Voice Choir 1922-1923 13 assets
Main Hall Monday, February 26, 1923 at 8:15PM
Orchestra: Winnipeg Male Voice Choir
Conductor: Hugh Ross (1898–1990)
Event: Maria Ivogun, Soprano 1922-1923 13 assets
Main Hall Friday, January 5, 1923 at 8:15PM
Event: Graduation: New York School of Chiropractic 1922-1923 13 assets
Main Hall Wednesday, January 3, 1923 at 8:15PM
Presenter: New York School of Chiropractic
Event: Hans Kronold Memorial Concert 1921-1922 13 assets
Main Hall Sunday, May 7, 1922 at 8:00PM
Presenter: Unknown presenter
Conductor: William Rogers Chapman (1855–1935)
Event: Emma Calvé, Soprano 1921-1922 21 assets
Main Hall Thursday, May 4, 1922 at 8:15PM
Presenter: Loudon Charlton (1869–1931)
Event: Oratorio Society of New York 1921-1922 13 assets
Main Hall Tuesday, February 21, 1922 at 8:00PM
Event: Bishop's Meeting 1921-1922 13 assets
Main Hall Friday, November 18, 1921 at 8:15PM
Event: Graduation: College of Dental and Oral Surgery of New York 1920-1921 13 assets
Main Hall Tuesday, June 7, 1921 at 8:00PM
Presenter: College of Dental and Oral Surgery of New York
Orchestra: [unnamed orchestra]
Conductor: S.N. Elin
Event: Students of the Malkin Music School 1920-1921 17 assets
Main Hall Sunday, May 8, 1921 at 2:30PM
Presenter: Malkin Music School
Event: Meeting in Honor of René Viviani 1920-1921 13 assets
Main Hall Monday, April 11, 1921 at 8:00PM
Orchestra: New York National Guard Ninth Coast Defense Command Band
Conductor: Frank E. Houts
Event: William Robyn, Tenor 1920-1921 13 assets
Main Hall Saturday, November 13, 1920 at 8:15PM
Event: Rudolph Polk, Violin, Eleanor Brock, Soprano, Adele Rosenthal, Piano, Lester Bingley, Baritone, and Vaino Sola, Tenor 1919-1920 13 assets
Main Hall Saturday, May 1, 1920 at 8:00PM
Event: Anna Case, Soprano 1919-1920 14 assets
Main Hall Wednesday, March 10, 1920 at 3:30PM
Event: Alessandro Bonci, Tenor, with Eleanor Brock, Soprano 1919-1920 2 assets
Main Hall Sunday, November 9, 1919 at 8:15PM
Presenter: Jules Daiber
Event: Meeting: The Humanitarian Cult 1917-1918 13 assets
Main Hall Tuesday, April 2, 1918 at 8:00PM
Presenter: The Humanitarian Cult/Society
Event: Alma Gluck, Soprano 1917-1918 13 assets
Main Hall Saturday, February 9, 1918 at 2:30PM
Event: Alice Gentle, Mezzo-Soprano 1917-1918 13 assets
Main Hall Thursday, November 1, 1917 at 8:15PM
Presenter: Haensel and Jones
Event: Grand Army of the Republic Memorial Day Exercises 1916-1917 13 assets
Main Hall Wednesday, May 30, 1917 at 8:00PM
Presenter: Grand Army of the Republic
Orchestra: 69th Regiment Band
Conductor: William Bayne (–1922)
Event: Grand Army of the Republic Memorial Day Exercises 1915-1916 13 assets
Main Hall Tuesday, May 30, 1916 at 8:00PM
Event: John McCormack, Tenor 1915-1916 13 assets
Main Hall Sunday, January 16, 1916 at 3:00PM
Presenter: Charles L. Wagner, Inc.
Event: Benefit: St. Andrew's One-Cent Coffee Stands 1914-1915 13 assets
Main Hall Thursday, April 22, 1915 at 8:30PM
Presenter: St. Andrew's One-Cent Coffee Stands Society, Inc.
Orchestra: Martelli Orchestra
Event: Benefit: St. Andrew's One-Cent Coffee Stands 1913-1914 13 assets
Main Hall Wednesday, April 22, 1914 at 8:30PM
Event: New York Banks' Glee Club 1913-1914 13 assets
Main Hall Thursday, April 16, 1914 at 8:00PM
Conductor: H. R. Humphries (–1925)
Main Hall Friday, December 12, 1913 at 8:00PM
Event: Corinne Rider-Kelsey, Soprano 1913-1914 13 assets
Main Hall Sunday, November 2, 1913 at 3:00PM
Presenter: R. E. Johnston (1870–1932)
Event: Jenny Dufau, Soprano 1913-1914 13 assets
Main Hall Sunday, October 19, 1913 at 3:00PM
Event: Grand Army of the Republic Memorial Day Exercises 1912-1913 13 assets
Main Hall Friday, May 30, 1913 at 8:00PM
Event: Graduation: College of Pharmacy of the City of New York 1912-1913 13 assets
Main Hall Thursday, May 15, 1913 at 8:00PM
Presenter: College of Pharmacy of the City of New York
Orchestra: Seventh Regiment Band
Conductor: George L. Humphrey
Event: Clara Butt and Kennerley Rumford 1912-1913 13 assets
Main Hall Monday, March 3, 1913 at 8:15PM
Event: Amateur Comedy Club 1912-1913 9 assets
Carnegie Lyceum Wednesday, February 12, 1913 at 8:00PM
Presenter: The Amateur Comedy Club
Main Hall Tuesday, January 14, 1913 at 3:00PM
Event: Celebration: Peter Kropotkin 70th Anniversary 1912-1913 13 assets
Main Hall Saturday, December 7, 1912 at 7:45PM
Event: Graduation: College of Pharmacy of the City of New York 1911-1912 13 assets
Main Hall Thursday, May 9, 1912 at 8:00PM
Event: David Bispham, Baritone 1911-1912 16 assets
Main Hall Friday, March 22, 1912 at 8:15PM
Event: Dickens Centenary Celebration 1911-1912 13 assets
Main Hall Wednesday, February 7, 1912 at 8:30PM
Presenter: The Civic Forum
Event: Edmond Clement, Tenor 1911-1912 13 assets
Main Hall Tuesday, January 16, 1912 at 3:00PM
Presenter: Quinlan International Music Agency
Event: New York Banks' Glee Club 1911-1912 13 assets
Main Hall Tuesday, December 5, 1911 at 8:00PM
Event: Grand Army of the Republic Memorial Day Exercises 1910-1911 13 assets
Main Hall Tuesday, May 30, 1911 at 8:00PM
Event: Grand Army of the Republic Memorial Day Exercises 1908-1909 13 assets
Main Hall Monday, May 31, 1909 at 8:00PM
Event: Grand Army of the Republic Memorial Day Exercises 1906-1907 13 assets
Main Hall Thursday, May 30, 1907 at 8:00PM
Event: Graduation: College of Pharmacy of the City of New York 1906-1907 13 assets
Main Hall Thursday, May 2, 1907 at 8:00PM