Event: Concert by the Syracuse University Glee and Instrumental Clubs 1900-1901 5 assets
Carnegie Lyceum Thursday, January 3, 1901 at 8:00PM
Presenter: Syracuse University
Event: Concert by the Union College Musical Association 1899-1900 5 assets
Carnegie Lyceum Saturday, April 28, 1900 at 8:00PM
Presenter: Union College Musical Association
Event: Mandolin, Guitar and Banjo Concert 1899-1900 3 assets
Chamber Music Hall Tuesday, April 24, 1900 at 8:15PM
Presenter: William J. Kitchener (1861–)
Event: Benefit for the Boys' Free Reading Rooms featuring Beatrice Herford 1899-1900 5 assets
Carnegie Lyceum Saturday, March 31, 1900 at 8:00PM
Presenter: Loyal Legion Temperance Society
Event: Evening Musical by Prof. Joseph Braune and Others 1899-1900 3 assets
Chamber Music Hall Wednesday, March 28, 1900 at 8:15PM
Presenter: Joseph Braune
Event: Stevens Institute of Technology Glee, Banjo and Mandolin Clubs 1899-1900 5 assets
Carnegie Lyceum Tuesday, February 13, 1900 at 8:00PM
Presenter: Stevens Institute of Technology
Event: Union College Musical Association Glee, Banjo and Mandolin Clubs 1898-1899 9 assets
Carnegie Lyceum Saturday, April 29, 1899 at 8:15PM
Event: Mandolin, Guitar and Banjo Concert 1898-1899 3 assets
Chamber Music Hall Monday, April 24, 1899 at 8:15PM
Event: Amherst College Glee, Banjo, and Mandolin Clubs 1898-1899 9 assets
Carnegie Lyceum Tuesday, April 11, 1899 at 8:00PM
Presenter: Amherst College
Event: Minstrel Show by Students of The Berkeley School 1898-1899 9 assets
Carnegie Lyceum Friday, March 24, 1899 at 8:15PM
Presenter: The Berkeley School
Event: Stevens Institute of Technology Glee, Banjo and Mandolin Clubs 1898-1899 9 assets
Carnegie Lyceum Monday, February 20, 1899 at 8:00PM
Carnegie Lyceum Monday, February 13, 1899 at 8:00PM