PDF Direct link to documentConceptually similarPDFComplete program of Beethoven String Quartet, January 12, 1893 PDFComplete program of Beethoven String Quartet, November 17, 1892 PDFComplete program of Beethoven String Quartet, March 9, 1893 PDFComplete program of Beethoven String Quartette, November 19, 1891 PDFComplete program of Hortense and Adelina Hibbard, March 10, 1893 PDFComplete program of Dannreuther Quartette, January 21, 1897 PDFComplete program of Dannreuther Quartet, November 19, 1896 PDFComplete program of Walter J. Hall, December 8, 1892 PDFComplete program of Society for Ethical Culture Program, October 31, 1891 View MoreYour right to access the Digital Collections is subject to these Terms and Conditions.CH1102096 Complete program of Beethoven String Quartet, January 14, 1892Note that two of the works on this program, Bazzini's String Quartet in E-flat Major, Op. 76, and Nawratil's Piano Quintet in C Minor, Op. 17, are listed as "New," but whether or not this performance represented a premiere of either is not clear. A review in the New York Sun makes no mention of premieres (refers to the works only as "new"). The quartet personnel is not listed in the printed program; the performers indicated here were taken from the 11/17/1892 performance by the Beethoven Quartet. The program also does not state whether Carl Martin performed his songs with piano or quartet accompaniment.The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]), 15 Jan. 1892. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress. <a rel="noopener noreferrer" class="external" href="https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1892-01-15/ed-1/seq-3/" target="_blank">Link to review</a> CONTENT TYPE: program Names: Beethoven String Quartet Dr. Carl Martin Emil Schenck (1856–1943) Ernst Thiele (1853–1926) Gustav Dannreuther (1853–1923) Helen Hopekirk (1856–1945) Otto K. Schill (1863–1959) Unknown presenter SEASON: 1891-1892Date: January 14, 1892 YEAR: 1892 Credit: Courtesy of Carnegie Hall Archives Source name: Carnegie Hall Rose ArchivesDepartment: Rose Museum and Archives Collection: Programs Collection Place: New York, NY LANGUAGE: English Size: 12 pages (~4.67 MB) RIGHTS STATEMENT: NO COPYRIGHT - UNITED STATESCarnegie Hall believes that this item is in the public domain under the laws of the United States, but a determination was not made as to its copyright status under the copyright laws of other countries. The item may not be in the public domain under the laws of other countries. Read full Rights StatementThough not required, if you want to credit us as the source, please use the statement "Courtesy of Carnegie Hall Rose Archives" and provide a link back to the item on our Digital Collections site. Doing so helps us track how our collection is used and helps justify freely releasing even more content in the future. Thursday, January 14, 1892 at 8:15PM SEASON: 1891-1892VENUE: Chamber Music Hall ViewRelated materials: View MoreBeethoven String Quartet, January 14, 1892, program page 12 Beethoven String Quartet, January 14, 1892, program page 11 Beethoven String Quartet, January 14, 1892, program page 10 Beethoven String Quartet, January 14, 1892, program page 9 Beethoven String Quartet, January 14, 1892, program page 8 RELATED: Carnegie Hall Programs