Your right to access the Digital Collections is subject to these Terms and Conditions.CH1284551 Eddie Condon Jazz Concert, October 16, 1944CONTENT TYPE: window card Names: Benny Morton (1907–1985) Billy Butterfield (1917–1988) Bob Haggart (1914–1998) Cozy Cole (1909–1981) Eddie Condon (1905–1973) Edmond Hall (1901–1967) Ernie Caceres (1911–1971) Gene Schroeder (1915–1975) George Wettling (1907–1968) Hot Lips Page (1908–1954) Jack Lesberg (1920–2005) James P. Johnson (1894–1955) Jess Stacy (1904–1995) Joe Grauso Joe Marsala (1907–1978) Joe Thomas (1909–1984) Kansas Fields (1915–1995) Lee Wiley (1908–1975) Max Kaminsky (1908–1994) Miff Mole (1898–1961) Muggsy Spanier (1906–1967) Pee Wee Russell (1906–1969) Red McKenzie (1899–1948) Sammy Price (1908–1992) Sid Weiss (1914–1994) Tony Aless Willie "The Lion" Smith (1897–1973) Yank Lawson (1911–1995) SEASON: 1944-1945Date: October 16, 1944 YEAR: 1944 VENUE: Main HallCredit: Courtesy of Carnegie Hall Rose Archives Source name: Carnegie Hall Rose ArchivesDepartment: Rose Museum and Archives Collection: Window Cards Collection Place: New York, NY LANGUAGE: English Tags: autograph Size: 5612px × 7228px (~116 MB) Archives Unique ID: CHA-WC-ISA-00141 RIGHTS STATEMENT: NO KNOWN COPYRIGHTCarnegie Hall reasonably believes that the item is not restricted by copyright or related rights, but a conclusive determination could not be made.Read full Rights StatementThough not required, if you want to credit us as the source, please use the statement "Courtesy of Carnegie Hall Rose Archives" and provide a link back to the item on our Digital Collections site. Doing so helps us track how our collection is used and helps justify freely releasing even more content in the future. DownloadRelated materials: View MoreSelections (unspecified) RELATED: Selections from the Digital CollectionsFlyers, Posters, and Window Cards